Tag Archives: The Descendants

Best Picture Nominees: The Descendants

I can already tell I’m gonna get some flack for my opinions on this movie. One of my followers told me this was their favorite movie of the year…and I disagree 😦 Good movie? Absolutely. BEST movie? Nope. More fun to watch than Moneyball? No way, Jose.

Question time!

“What is the movie about?” – Matt King is a lawyer living on the island of Oahu whose wife is in a coma after a boating accident. He has to reconnect with his daughters, figure out if he wants to sell a huge piece of land that he owns, and he discovers a secret that rocks his entire world.

“What other nominations did this movie earn?” – George Clooney is up for Best Actor, against his BFF Brad Pitt. I personally think this battle should go to Brad, but George will most likely get it. He just has more respect in Hollywood. Alexander Payne is up for Best Director and the movie is nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay.


  • Pretty person turned ugly – In a way. While we were watching this movie, I leaned over to my husband and commented that I was in no way attracted to George in this movie. He has a full head of gray hair, he wears boring “islander” clothes and he has a constant look of bewilderment on his face. Personally, I like my George in a tux, figuring out the best way to rob Andy Garcia. So, in a way, they did try to make George less dashing.
  • Actor pretending to have special needs – None here.
  • Set during a different time period – Not a different time period, but it definitely feels weird…does everyone in Hawaii really dress casually all the time? And decorate their houses like the 80’s threw up inside?
  • Based on a true story – This one I’m not entirely sure of. I think it’s loosely based on true events, but not really based on a true story.
  • High-concept story line that no one really understands, but pretends to so that they will appear intelligent – This is pretty obvious…father trying to keep his two daughters under control, dealing with a life-changing secret…nothing too high concept here.
  • Based on a best-selling novel – Yup, written by Kaui Hart Hemmings. Haven’t read it yet, but I may have to check it out!

“Will it win the Best Picture Academy Award?” – I hope not. I think this is a good movie, worth watching, but I do not think it deserves to win Best Picture. I have no desire to see this movie again, and I enjoyed Moneyball MUCH more than this movie. I even tend to like George Clooney more than Brad Pitt, but I feel that Moneyball was the more enjoyable movie. Sorry guys!

“Should I watch this before Oscar night?”Absolutely. There is going to be a lot of buzz surrounding this movie, and Clooney is likely to win an Oscar for Best Actor. Definitely add it to your To-Do list…watch this movie before Sunday night!